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Nature is a Great Healer

Nature is a Great Healer

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By Rev. Elizabeth Rowley-Hogue,
Spiritual Director
September 3, 2020

I’ve just returned from marrying my best friend, and it was a glorious event!   For our honeymoon, we were planning a staycation, given the world’s state at this time.  We spontaneously decided to take a road trip to Sedona, Arizona, and we are so glad we went.

It was hot and dry and inconvenient to wear a mask, yet we made it work.  We had a magnificent experience together on our first trip as a married couple.

I had heard great things about Sedona for many years, and it did not disappoint.  The majesty of the colossal red rock formations blows your hair back and takes your breath away.

At the top of our list of things to do was visit the vortex sites. Sedona’s vortices are different from the vortex you may have read about in the Esther and Jerry Hicks books.  The books describe the vortex as a field of energy that is your highest and best state, and when in it, you are powerful and can use the law of attraction to easily co-create whatever you desire to experience in your life.

A vortex is a funnel shape created by a whirling fluid or by the motion of spiraling energy.  Familiar examples are a whirlwind, tornado, or water going down a drain.  Vortices can be made of anything that flows, such as wind, water, or electricity.

In Sedona, the vortices are swirling centers of subtle energy coming out from Earth’s surface, similar to the swirling energy centers, or chakras in our bodies.  We visited three of the four sites.  On our last day in Sedona, we did a sunrise hike up to the Airport Mesa Vortex.

We took turns meditating on a peaceful perch facing the sun, feeling the powerful swirling energy of Mother Earth and the canyon’s wind blowing up.  The convergence of these three elements of nature created a dynamic sense of oneness.  As I sat at the center of this trinity of Earth, wind, and fire, captivated by the raw beauty all around me, with my hair blowing back, I felt a rush of gratitude, joy, and delight at the opportunity to experience life on this planet.

At this moment, I truly arrived in Sedona, experiencing its magnificent, mystical splendor in all of its glory.  We headed back down the trail to our hotel and left for home shortly after that.

I’ll be revisiting this exact place in my daily meditation practice. 

Nature is a great healer.  Now that the smoke has cleared and the temperature has dropped, I encourage you to take time to get outside.  Find a special place in a forest, on a hiking trail, or at a park to dwell and be one with the trees, rocks, water, wind, birds, Mother Earth, and all of life.  As you sit, give thanks for this precious time you have on the planet and let the joy wash over you.

And so it is.

Rev. Elizabeth Rowley

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